Spread the Truth and help support Law Enforcement
100% of the profits from this book will be
donated to organizations supporting the families of fallen and injured officers!
attention: if you are looking for the facts to counter the anti-police rhetoric being spewed by a biased press, progressive politicians, or social justice activists - then this book is for you.
This book details what happened in life or death situations, revealing that actions matter and race is irrelevant. The findings should be celebrated by everyone that believes in justice and equality for all.

“Mike Simonelli’s book is an experienced insider’s rebuttal to the wrongheaded political trend that gives criminals, rather than police officers, the benefit of the doubt in lethal use-of-force cases. It’s about time that someone with first-hand knowledge of fast-moving, dangerous encounters, both in the military and in policing, injected a voice of sanity into the toxic anti-police atmosphere.”
— NYC PBA President Patrick J. Lynch
“A hard knocks look at facts versus media. This book will certainly give you the information to re-think your thinking and take a tough look at how outside influences affect the process of looking at an incident for what it is rather than for what someone suggests it to be.”
— Lisa Tuozzolo, Wife of Fallen Officer NYPD Sgt. Paul Tuozzolo, End of Watch 11-4-2016
"Powerful book based on facts and evidence. Absolutely unbiased...it will spark needed conversation on this controversial topic. The author brings to light powerful information that is not talked about and allows you, the reader, to use your own critical thinking skills.”
- Professor of Criminal Justice, James Russo
“Justified Deadly Force and the Myth of Systemic Racism” is a must-read for all. Mike Simonelli assiduously presents a vast amount of data that debunks the false narrative used to vilify Police Officers throughout the nation. In addition, Mike meticulously offers facts related to numerous fatal encounters, which provides immense awareness of the remarkable restraint exhibited by officers daily. A veteran and Police officer, Mike’s service to the country and community continues as an author of this concise collection of data and evidence to be shared with everyone.”
- Suffolk County PBA President Noel DiGerolamo
The United States is a nation imperfectly founded but one in which all citizens now enjoy equal freedoms and justice under the law. Unfortunately, some of America’s greatest freedoms—speech, press, and protest—are being manipulated into becoming its Achilles heel. The past sin of slavery is invoked as the media, activists, and politicians racialize police incidents, attack law enforcement and divide the nation in a way no foreign power ever could. This book proves through scientific evidence that news and social media narratives about deadly police shootings being systemically racist, are systemically false. Far from superficial descriptions of the subject’s age, race, and city the shooting occurred in, critical facts regarding the subject’s actions and officer’s reactions are key to understanding why deadly force was justifiably used.
After exposing the media’s bias of several high-profile incidents, 90 officer-involved shootings of unarmed subjects and 108 line of duty officer murders are analyzed according to more than a dozen relevant criteria. Read about the details of these incidents and decide for yourself whether the officers pulled the trigger because of the color of someone’s skin, as is often alleged; the subject’s violent actions, as is often the case; or a tragic mistake made under intense circumstances, as sometimes happens. Learn how officers who did not use deadly force in very similar situations were tragically murdered. Their last moments prove why officers are justifiably alarmed when people refuse lawful commands to show their hands. When people comply, everyone stays alive!
About the author
Mike Simonelli has a combined 50 years of decorated and honorable service to the nation and New York. From 1989-2019 Mike served in the US military. Graduating from the US Air Force Academy with a B.S., Mike was an active-duty Air Force Finance Officer for five years before transferring to the US Army National Guard and then Reserves. As a Civil Affairs Special Operations Army Officer, Mike deployed to Iraq from 2003-2004 and then Afghanistan for the surge of 2010. Retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel, Mike’s awards include the Bronze Star Medal with one oak leaf cluster, Army Combat Action Badge and Air Force Combat Action Medal. From 2000-2021 Mike was an active law enforcement officer assigned to patrol, highway patrol, community-oriented police enforcement and the Police Benevolent Association (PBA). He received numerous commendations, and three times was overwhelmingly voted by his fellow officers to be on their PBA Union Executive Board. He earned his M.A. in National Security Studies from American Military University in 2020.