Jackson Lieber

Date: 1/18/2023          Location: Liberty Hill, TX       FACTORS (1,2,12,14,19)     

Name: Jackson Lieber                                   

Criminal History/Involved: None stated. / Yes, Lieber was trespassing on private property and fighting with the residents.

Mental Illness: None stated, but Lieber was reported to have “wandered” onto the property and fought with the residents there – which whether from the accident or another reason indicates he may have been disoriented.

Substance Abuse History/Involved: Unknown. / None stated.

Race/Sex/Age: White/Male/21

Officer(s) involved: Liberty Hill Police Officer Esteban Gomez-Sanchez                          

What prompted the initial contact with police? At around 3 p.m. on January 18, 2023, Liberty Hill Police Officer Estevan Gomez-Sanchez responded to a 911 call of a man, Jackson Lieber, who was trespassing on private property, fought with the residents and was being detained by them.

Actions taken by subject towards police: Lieber fought with Officer Gomez-Sanchez.

Reactions by the police: During the fight with Lieber, Officer Gomez-Sanchez fired two shots from his patrol rifle, fatally striking Lieber.

Outcome of investigation into the fatal police incident: Findings from the Texas Ranger’s investigation was passed onto a grand jury which did not indict Officer Gomez-Sanchez. Additionally, the Liberty Hill Police Department’s own review “determined no department policy was violated by Gomez-Sanchez during the incident.”

What could the subject have done that day to still be alive today? Lieber could still be alive if he didn’t: trespass onto private property and fight with the residents there; and complied with the responding officer instead of fighting with him.

Miscellaneous: Lieber’s family has filed a lawsuit and is awaiting release of the bodycam video.

Justified Use of Deadly Force? YES, PO Esteban-Gomez reasonably feared for his life while being attacked by a violent male and justifiably used deadly force to stop the threat.


William Beach Jr.


James Blancocotto