Shane Holland

Date: 6/21/2022          Location: Adelanto, CA                                 FACTORS (1,2,8,19)

Name: Shane Earl Holland                            

Criminal History/Involved: Yes, Holland has numerous prior arrests for domestic violence, criminal possession of a controlled substance, and resisting arrest. / Yes, Holland fled from police.

Mental Illness: Unknown.

Substance Abuse History/Involved: Yes, Holland had several prior drug related arrests. / Unknown.

Race/Sex/Age: White/Male/36

Officer(s) involved: San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Deputy Justin Lopez                                   

What prompted the initial contact with police? At approximately 2:41 a.m. on June 21, 2022, San Bernardino Deputy’s Sheriff Lopez conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle operated by Shane Holland.

Actions taken by subject towards police: Rather than comply with the deputy’s lawful commands, Holland fled the scene.

Reactions by the police: Deputy Lopez chased Holland and at some point Holland made Deputy Lopez fear for his life so he used deadly force and killed Holland.

Outcome of investigation into the fatal police incident: California State Department of Justice is investigating.

What could the subject have done that day to still be alive today? Holland could still be alive today if he complied with the deputy’s orders; did not run from the deputy; did not cause the deputy to fear for his life.

Justified Use of Deadly Force? During a traffic stop in the middle of the night, the lone deputy encountered a combative subject who first fled from him and then caused him to fear for his life. While the details of this incident are scarce, given Holland’s three prior arrests for inflicting corporal injury on a spouse/cohabitant and two prior arrests for resisting/obstructing/delaying a police officer – his history of violence gives Deputy Lopez the benefit of the doubt that he was being attacked, reasonably feared for his life, and reacted appropriately.


Jayland Walker


Joseph Nagle