Cpl. Charles Galloway

Officer: Harris County Constable's Office, Corporal Charles Galloway

Date: 1/23/2022          Location: Houston, TX          FACTORS (1,2,7,8,15,21)

Perpetrator(s) Involved: Jose Oscar Rosales aka Aguilar Maricide Albarenga or Maurico Aguilar Albarenga

Criminal Activity History/Involved: Yes, Rosales was arrested as Aguilar Albarenga and pled guilty in 1995 to aggravated assault. / Yes, Rosales had an active warrant for 25 years, was a felon illegally in possession of a weapon, and ambushed Cpl. Galloway

Mental Illness: None reported.

Substance Abuse History/Involved: Unknown. / None reported.

Race/Sex/Age: Latino/Male/51

What prompted the initial contact with the killer? At around 12:30 a.m. on January 23, 2022, Cpl Galloway conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle operated by Jose Oscar Rosales.

Actions taken by subject toward police: While Cpl Galloway was still seated in his patrol car notifying dispatch of the traffic stop, Rosales exited his vehicle, pointed a semi-automatic rifle at the patrol car and fired numerous times, shooting Cpl. Galloway in the face, and killing him. As the vehicle and officers’ bodycam videos show, Rosales then got back in his car and fled.

Reactions by the police: The Gulf Coast Violent Offenders Task Force worked with Mexican authorities and on January 26th, Rosales was arrested just south of Del Rio, Texas in the Mexican city of Ciudad Acuna.

How murdered? Cpl. Galloway was ambushed by an illegal alien with a rifle during a car stop.

What could have been done differently for the officer to still be alive? Considering how quickly Rosales jumped out of his vehicle and started firing at Cpl. Galloway with a rifle, the most Cpl. Galloway could have done is duck within his patrol car…which would have allowed Rosales to run up to it and continue shooting at him point blank.

Would the officer have been justified to use deadly force before being murdered? NA, Cpl. Galloway never had a chance to use deadly force to defend himself.

Outcome for the cop-killer: Rosales was captured in Mexico and extradited to Texas where he will be prosecuted for capital murder.

Miscellaneous: Rosales is the latest example of the dangers posed to Americans and our law enforcement officers by the failure of our political leaders, particularly the Democrats, to secure America’s borders and enforce its immigration laws. Rosales should have been deported back in 1995 when he pled guilty to aggravated assault for stabbing someone when it was first discovered he illegally entered America. Instead of deportation or even prison, Rosales was given 6 years community service, and he even failed to do that. Rosales goes by several aliases and has been wanted by Texas authorities since failing to meet the terms of his 1995 sentence.It’s unknown whether his true country of origin is El Salvador, Guatemala or possibly Honduras.


PO Wilbert Mora


PO Jason Rivera