Officer Adrian Lopez, Sr.

Officer: White Mountain Apache Tribal Police Department, Officer Adrian Lopez, Sr.

Date: 6/2/2022            Location: White River, AZ                 FACTORS (1,2,8,12,14,15) 9?,13?

Perpetrator(s) Involved: Kevin Dwight Nashio

Criminal Activity History/Involved: Yes, Nashio “was already known to the police.” / Yes, Nashio either initially assaulted the officer or failed to comply and resisted arrest.

Mental Illness: Unknown.

Substance Abuse History/Involved: Unknown. / None stated.

Race/Sex/Age: Unknown/Male/25

What prompted the initial contact with the killer? At approximately 7 p.m. on June 2, 2022, Officer Adrian Lopez, Sr. pulled over a vehicle operated by Kevin Nashio.

Actions taken by subject toward police: Nashio refused to comply with Officer Lopez, physically struggled with him and ended up fatally shooting the officer. Nashio then stole Officer Lopez’s patrol vehicle, taking responding officers on a prolonged vehicle pursuit before crashing the vehicle into a tree.

Reactions by the police: After Nashio crashed in a remote area, a gun battle ensued with the numerous officers that had been chasing him and Nashio was justifiably shot dead.

How murdered? Officer Lopez was fatally shot during a traffic stop.

What could have been done differently for the officer to still be alive? Without additional details it is difficult to say what may have been done differently.

Would the officer have been justified to use deadly force before being murdered? Without additional details it is impossible to judge.  

Outcome for the cop-killer: Nashio was justifiably shot dead during the gun fight with the police.

Miscellaneous: There is scant reporting on Nashio’s past and a lack of video and details about this incident.


Deputy Sheriff Thomas E. Baker III


Chief Deputy Sheriff Jody Cash