PO Caleb Ogilvie

Officer: Covington Division of Police, Police Officer Caleb D. Ogilvie

Date: 3/14/2022          Location: Covington, VA       FACTORS (1,2,15,18,19)

Perpetrator(s) Involved: Toney S. Poulston Jr.

Criminal Activity History/Involved: Yes, Poulston was a career criminal, with sentences of 10 years for 3 felony drug charges in 2002; 5 years for weapons charges in 2013; and one year for assault and battery in 2014. More recently he was arrested for drug charges in 2018 and pled guilty to domestic assault in 2019. / Yes, Poulston just murdered his step-father.

Mental Illness: Unknown, but Poulston’s behavior at the gas station was described as “erratic.”

Substance Abuse History/Involved: Yes, Poulston had prior drug-related arrests./ None stated.

Race/Sex/Age: White/Male/42

What prompted the initial contact with the killer? At around 4:30 p.m. on March 14, 2022, Covington police and Alleghany County deputies responded to a domestic disturbance call at a gas station where Toney S. Poulston Jr. had just shot and killed his stepdad during an argument. Upon arriving at the scene, the officers observed Poulston walking out of the gas station with a gun in his hand.

Actions taken by subject toward police: Poulston opened fire on the officers and deputies, hitting PO Ogilvie at least four times, killing him.

Reactions by the police: The other law enforcement personnel returned fire and killed Poulston.

How murdered? PO Ogilvie was fatally shot upon responding to a violent domestic disturbance.

What could have been done differently for the officer to still be alive? Knowing Poulston was acting erratic and was armed, the officers could have set up a perimeter away from the entrance, but since they also knew there were potential victims inside the store, they risked their lives and were heading inside when Poulston came out shooting.

Would the officer have been justified to use deadly force before being murdered? The officers were justified and did use deadly force upon contact with Poulston, unfortunately he was able to shoot at them before he was incapacitated.

Outcome for the cop-killer: Poulston was justifiably shot and killed by other officers during the gunfight.

Miscellaneous: Of the 16 years of sentences Poulston received for his prior crimes, 13 of them were suspended. Clearly the criminal justice system did not manage to make Poulston pay for his crimes, rehabilitate him, nor deter him from committing more.


Deputy Dom Calata


PO Jake Reed