PO II Fernando Arroyos

Officer: Los Angeles Police Officer II Fernando Arroyos

Date: 1/10/2022          Location: Los Angeles, CA               FACTORS (1,2,8,15,20)

Perpetrator(s) Involved: Luis Alfredo De La Rosa Rios; Ernesto Cisneros; Jesse Contreras; Haylee Marie Grisham

Criminal Activity History/Involved: Unknown though very likely as the perpetrators are admitted gang members. / Yes, the perpetrators were committing an armed robbery.

Mental Illness: None stated.

Substance Abuse History/Involved: Unknown. / None stated.

Race/Sex/Age: Rios: Latino/Male/29; Cisneros: Latino/Male/22; Contreras: Latino/Male/34; Grisham: White/Female/18

What prompted the initial contact with the killer? At around 9:15 p.m. on January 10, 2022, LAPD Officer II Fernando Arroyos was off-duty, house hunting with his girlfriend when F13 gang members Rios, Cisneros, Contreras, and Grisham observed them and decided to rob them.

Actions taken by the killer toward police: Rios and Cisneros exited their car, went up to Arroyos and his girlfriend, and pointed their guns at the couple as Cisneros demanded they “give him the chains.” The gang members then stole the two silver chains Arroyo was wearing, cash from his wallet, and a walking stick from his girlfriend.

Reactions by the police: Arroyos argued with the attackers and managed to access his gun, exchanging shots with them and hitting Cisneros while Arroyos was shot by either Rios or Cisneros. The gang members fled the scene and Cisneros sought medical attention while Arroyos was found by responding officers and transported to a hospital where he was declared dead. A manhunt ensued and surveillance video helped officers track down the perpetrators and arrest them within a couple of days.

How murdered? PO II Arroyos was shot while being robbed by gang members as he was off-duty.

What could have been done differently for the officer to still be alive? Nothing, PO II Arroyos was unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time as the perpetrators saw him while they were looking to make some money and “increase and maintain position” with their gang.

Would the officer have been justified to use deadly force before being murdered? PO II Arroyos was being robbed at gunpoint and did use deadly force at the first opportunity.

Outcome for the cop-killer: Since being arrested, the four perpetrators have been charged by the federal government with violent crime in aid of racketeering (VICAR).

Miscellaneous: The LA County Sheriff took the case to the federal government for prosecution instead of Los Angeles DA Gascon because of Gascon’s “decision to no longer pursue sentencing enhancements in gang-related cases.”


PO Jason Rivera


SGT. Marlene Rittmanic