Police Officer Jason Raynor
Officer: Daytona Beach Police Department, Police Officer Jason Raynor
Date: 8/17/2021 Location: Daytona Beach, FL FACTORS (1,2,6,8,9,12,14)
Perpetrator(s) Involved: Othal Wallace
Criminal Activity History/Involved: Wallace has prior arrests for misdemeanor domestic violence, felony domestic battery, aggravated battery on a pregnant person, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, burglary of an occupied dwelling, criminal mischief, trespassing, numerous driving violations and obstructing an officer without violence./Unknown.
Mental Illness: Unknown.
Substance Abuse History/Involved: Unknown./None stated.
Race/Sex/Age: Black/Male/29
What prompted the initial contact with the killer? Sometime around 5:20 p.m. on June 23, 2021, while proactively patrolling in an area where residents were complaining of drug trafficking and gun violence, Officer Jason Raynor came across Othal Wallace sitting in his parked vehicle. While investigating whether Wallace might be involved in such criminal activity, Officer Raynor started questioning him about whether he lived in the area.
Actions taken by subject toward police: Wallace refused to comply with Officer Raynor’s commands, and instead of sitting down and answering his questions, Wallace exited his vehicle and physically resisted Raynor’s use of minimal force to keep him in place. Then as Officer Raynor was transmitting over his radio, Wallace pushed away from Raynor, accessed the gun hidden upon his person and shot Raynor in the head with it.
Reactions by the police: After Officer Raynor didn’t respond to radio transmissions; other officers responded to his location and found him seriously injured. Officer Raynor was transported to a hospital where he survived for 55 days before passing away on August 17. Immediately after the shooting, a massive manhunt for Wallace was conducted and he was captured a few days later hiding in a tree house “on property associated with the Not Fucking Around Coalition” (NFAC), a Black Nationalist paramilitary organization.
How murdered? Officer Raynor was murdered while investigating suspicious activity at a known drug location.
What could have been done differently for the officer to still be alive? Officer Raynor would have had to use deadly force as soon as Wallace pushed away from him – which in today’s environment there is no way he would do for fear of being wrong and shooting an unarmed black male.
Would the officer have been justified to use deadly force before being murdered? Officer Raynor was found near death with his gun still holstered – which shows that it is very difficult for an officer to react fast enough once a suspect commits to attacking them.
Outcome for the cop-killer: Wallace is charged with first-degree murder.
Miscellaneous: Wallace was a member of the NFAC, recently “participated in a YouTube broadcast with members of the New Black Panther Party”, and posted on Instagram: “1 Day I will Take Great Pride And Honor In Getting Me Some Pig Blood On My Hands and Boots.”