Police Officer Keona Holley

Officer: Baltimore City Police Department, Police Officer Keona Holley

Date: 12/23/2021        Location: Baltimore City, MD            FACTORS (1,2,7,8,15)

Perpetrator(s) Involved: Travon Shaw; Elliot Knox

Criminal Activity History/Involved: Yes, both men had felony records with Shaw having previous convictions for armed robbery and assault, and Knox being convicted of three armed robberies in 2006 for which he was sentenced to 15 years in prison./ Yes, the men were in criminal possession of a weapon and ambushed Officer Holley.

Mental Illness: Unknown.

Substance Abuse History/Involved: Unknown./ None stated.

Race/Sex/Age: Shaw: Black/Male/32; Knox: Black/Male/31

What prompted the initial contact with the killer? At approximately 1:30 a.m. on December 16, 2021, Baltimore City Police Officer Keona Holley was working an overtime shift, seated in her marked patrol car parked on a city street.

Actions taken by subject toward police: Without any provocation nor warning, Travon Shaw approached the rear of the patrol vehicle and opened fire into it, shooting Officer Holley in the hand, leg, and twice in the head. After being shot, Officer Holley inadvertently drove the patrol car a short distance and crashed. Shaw and Knox fled the scene and Shaw went on to shoot and kill another man who reportedly owed him money.

Reactions by the police: Officers responding to the car crash found a critically injured Officer Holley whom they rushed to the hospital where she survived on life support for one week before passing on December 23rd. Detectives reviewed surveillance camera videos and tracked down Shaw and Knox, making an arrest and getting a full confession.

How murdered? Officer Holley was ambushed and fatally shot while sitting in her patrol car.

What could have been done differently for the officer to still be alive? Nothing, Officer Holley was doing what officers across the country do every day, provide a police presence while doing paperwork and observing the neighborhood in their patrol car.

Would the officer have been justified to use deadly force before being murdered? N/A, Officer Holley never saw her killer approach.

Outcome for the cop-killer: Shaw and Knox were arrested and charged with attempted murder of a police officer which will be upgraded now that Officer Holley has died. They were also charged with the murder of Justin Johnson.

Miscellaneous: This is what happens when the press, protestors and politicians put a target on the backs of our police officers, Officer Holley’s blood is on their hands.


Deputy Sheriff Sean Riley


Sergeant Richard Houston, II