Senior Police Officer William Jeffrey

Officer: Houston Police Department, Senior Police Officer William Jeffrey

Date: 9/20/2021          Location: Houston, TX          FACTORS (1,2,7,15,17,21)

Perpetrator(s) Involved: Deon Ledet

Criminal Activity History/Involved: Yes, Ledet had “seven prior felony convictions, including two aggravated assaults with a deadly weapon and three evading arrest.” He was sentenced to three years in prison in 2015 and more recently he was arrested on a felony drugs charge in November 2020./Yes, Ledet was a  wanted fugitive for failing to show up to court in December to face the felony drug charges from his November 2020 arrest.

Mental Illness: None stated.

Substance Abuse History/Involved: Yes, Ledet had prior drug related arrests./None stated.

Race/Sex/Age: Black/Male/31

What prompted the initial contact with the killer? At approximately 7:30 a.m. on September 20, 2021, officers with the Major Offenders Division executed a “high-level felony arrest warrant” for Deon Ledet at a house he was believed to live at within a gated community. Upon knocking at the door, a woman answered and was asked by the officers for the whereabouts of Ledet.

Actions taken by subject toward police: As the officers spoke to the woman, Ledet suddenly came to the door and started shooting at them, striking Officer William Jeffrey and Sgt. Michael Vance both several times.

Reactions by the police: Though both hit, the officers returned fire and justifiably killed Ledet. Officer Jeffrey died from his gunshot wounds and Sergeant Vance was hospitalized.

How murdered? Officer Jeffrey was murdered while executing a warrant for a wanted felon at a residential location.

What could have been done differently for the officer to still be alive? There is no indication the officers could have done anything differently - looking for and arresting dangerous felons is part of being a LEO. It is a known danger that violent criminals may shoot through doors or ambush officers and shoot before the officers have a chance to use appropriate force.

Would the officer have been justified to use deadly force before being murdered? The officers used deadly force as soon as they identified a deadly threat.

Outcome for the cop-killer: Ledet was justifiably killed during the shootout.

Miscellaneous: He should have never been free on bail, as he was facing life in prison on his two most recent charges. After numerous arrests, state jail, two separate prison trips, and parole violations – Deon Ledet continued to unlawfully possess firearms and prey on the citizens of Houston. The Harris County Court System failed our community once again”


Deputy Sheriff Matthew Locke


LT. John Stewart