Deputy Sheriff Lena Nicole Marshall

Officer: Jackson County Sheriff's Office, Deputy Sheriff Lena Nicole Marshall

Date: 11/8/2021          Location: Hoschton, GA        FACTORS (1,4,5,13,14,15,18,19)

Perpetrator(s) Involved: Jessica Worsham

Criminal Activity History/Involved: Unknown./ No, the incident was a civil matter in which Worsham was no longer wanted at the residence she was crashing at with her children.

Mental Illness: Yes, Worsham had previously been reported missing, was apparently homeless, and was “a self-proclaimed psychic,” who believed she could put hexes on people and places. Additionally, Worsham “seemed preoccupied with death” in her social media posts and was ordered to a mental health evaluation by the judge in her child custody dispute. 

Substance Abuse History/Involved: Unknown./ None stated.

Race/Sex/Age: White/Female/43

What prompted the initial contact with the killer? At approximately 9:20 p.m. on November 5, 2021, Jackson County deputies responded to a 911 call of a domestic incident where the homeowner wanted a woman removed from the house that did not live there. Upon arriving at the scene, the deputies were met at the front door by that woman, Jessica Worsham.

Actions taken by subject toward police: Worsham confronted the deputies at the door and showed them she was armed with a handgun. The deputies drew their firearms and ordered Worsham to drop her gun numerous times, but Worsham ignored their commands and opened fire upon them, critically injuring Deputy Marshall.

Reactions by the police: The other deputy returned fire at Worsham, justifiably killing her. Emergency medical care was rendered to Deputy Marshall who was transported to a hospital where she died from her wounds three days later.

How murdered? Deputy Marshall was fatally shot while speaking to a subject that was requested to be removed from a house.

What could have been done differently for the officer to still be alive? Deputy Marshall and her partner should have used deadly force as soon as Worsham threatened them with her firearm. It is likely the deputies understood Worsham was emotionally disturbed, and they were trying to preserve her life, but not everyone can be nor wants to be saved.

Would the officer have been justified to use deadly force before being murdered? Yes, the deputies were justified to use deadly force as soon as they saw the firearm in Worsham’s hand.

Outcome for the cop-killer: Worsham was justifiably killed by Deputy Marshall’s partner.

Miscellaneous: Worsham had recently lost temporary custody of her children to her ex-husband and had “voiced intense hatred toward local judges and law enforcement officers.”


Police Officer Paramhans Desai


Senior Patrolman Sherman Otto Benys, Jr.