Police Officer Paramhans Desai

Officer: Henry County Police Department, Police Officer Paramhans Dineshchandra Desai

Date: 11/8/2021          Location: McDonough, GA   FACTORS (1,2,4,9,12,13,14,15,18,19)

Perpetrator(s) Involved: Jordan Jackson

Criminal Activity History/Involved: Unknown./ Yes, some kind of crime took place during the violent domestic incident since Jackson was being arrested.

Mental Illness: None stated, however Jackson committed suicide which is an indicator.

Substance Abuse History/Involved: Unknown./ None stated.

Race/Sex/Age: Black/Male/22

What prompted the initial contact with the killer? At approximately 6 p.m. on November 4, 2021, Henry County Police Officer Paramhans Desai responded to a 911 call of a domestic disturbance. Upon arriving at the scene, Officer Desai’s body camera video shows him speaking outside in the driveway to the subject involved, Jordan Jackson.

Actions taken by subject toward police: After initially conversing with Officer Desai, Jackson became combative when the officer tried to arrest him. During the struggle, as Jackson was resisting arrest, he accessed the weapon hidden upon his person and shot Officer Desai with it at close range. A neighbor reported hearing two-gun shots and seeing Officer Desai grab his own chest. As Officer Desai fell to the ground severely wounded, Jackson drove off and fled the area.

Reactions by the police: Officer Desai was transported to a hospital where he passed away from his wounds four days later on November 8th. A multi-agency manhunt for Jackson eventually tracked him down five days later at a friend’s house where he committed suicide right before he was about to be taken into custody.

How murdered? Officer Desai was fatally shot while trying to arrest a domestic violence subject.

What could have been done differently for the officer to still be alive? Since the 911 call was for a violent domestic, having a back-up officer may have prevented Jackson from being able to access or use his concealed weapon. This incident shows why so much stress is put on having subjects comply – once Jackson started resisting, Officer Desai could not know he had a concealed weapon nor realized he was accessing it until it was too late for him to stop Jackson from doing so. The alternative is Officer Desai shoots Jackson as soon as Jackson makes a furtive movement to his waistband area, which if Jackson as a black male ends up being unarmed - results in Officer Desai being charged with murder or manslaughter in the current environment.

Would the officer have been justified to use deadly force before being murdered? Officer Desai was justified to use deadly force as soon as Jackson resisted arrest and made a furtive movement with one of his hands towards his waistband/pockets/ankles. – all areas a firearm could be hidden.

Outcome for the cop-killer: Jackson shot himself right before being captured.

Miscellaneous: There is remarkably little reporting about Jackson’s history.


Police Officer Michael D. Chandler


Deputy Sheriff Lena Nicole Marshall